Mar 13, 2011

My 2nd Blogger's Gathering

19 Feb 2011

My first blogger's meetup was last year for the event "Cook and feed with Love at Peace Connect". Following after that there's another meetup by the Peace Connect group but I had missed. So when Jasmine (The Sweetlicious) invited me to a potluck gathering at Edith's (Precious Moment) house, I told myself I'm not going to miss this one though was a working Saturday. I'm glad I made an effort to attend as I really enjoyed myself. Meeting new friends with common interest - baking & blogging! Thanks Jasmine for organising and Edith for such a wonderful host! Love all sweet & savoury treats we brought almost like a dessert buffet. As usual I'm always the last one to update, most of them had already updated the day event. Please hop over to their blogs for more detailed updates.

Durian Chiffon Cake
Durian Rolls

These were from me! Decided to bake these because I had lots of durian flesh in freezer.

Lemon Curd Meringue Tart
Chocolate Mayonaise Cupcakes

By Edith - Precious Moments

Mango Cheesecake
Jelly Hearts
Fried Nian Gao

By Jasmine - The Sweetlicious

Dulce De Leche cupcakes
Chocolate Macarons with lemon curd filling
Chocolate Madeleines

By Cathy - Cathy's Joy

Lemon Cream Cheese Cupcakes

By Zhuoyuan - Baking Library

Lemon Squares

By Jess - J3ss Kitchen

Pomelo Salad

By Jo - Sugar & Everthing Nice


By Jean - Noms I Must

Looking forward to the next gathering...!


  1. What a great party! Your chiffon rolls and cake look perfect.

  2. Thanks Angie for your compliment! The rest of the bakes were very good too!

  3. it was nice meeting you wen!! :P
