Jan 1, 2012

Aspiring Bakers #15: Auspicious Dishes for CNY (January 2012)

Happy 2012 to all Aspiring Bakers family members and members-to-be! I'm the host for this month theme - Auspicious Dishes for CNY (January 2012). I feel so honor to be the first host for 2012 and many thanks to Small Small Baker for giving me this opportunity to be the host.

For once Aspiring Bakers is doing a cooking instead of baking theme! As we had done a CNY cookies theme before back in February 2011 so after much discussion with SSB, we decided to have a cooking theme instead. It can be any kind of dishes (vegetables, noodles, rice, meat & seafood) or desserts (eg. Agar agar, Nian gao, Tang sui etcs) that are prepared for reunion dinner or CNY 2012. Please note that steamboat is not accepted, we decided to exclude it because it's difficult to write up a recipe. The followings are the event's details:

Aspiring Bakers #15: Auspicious Dishes for CNY (January 2012)

Who can join?
Everyone! (if you do not have a blog, just send me a photo and recipe of your bake/dish)

How to join?
Step 1 :
Cook/Prepare a dish/dessert for Reunion Dinner or during CNY 2012 in the month of January 2012. Any dish/dessert except steamboat and CNY cookies/cakes are not accepted.

Step 2 :
Post it on your blog between 01 January 2012 and 31 January 2012. (Extended to 6th Feb 2012) Your post must include the recipe or link to the original recipe. If you are using a recipe from a book, please include the title of the book too.
*Any entries that are posted outside the date range will not be accepted.
*Any entries that do not include a recipe or link to the original recipe will not be accepted too.

Step 3 :
Please mention that you are submitting your post to Aspiring Bakers #15: Auspicious Dishes for CNY (January 2012) hosted by Wen of Wen's Delight and provide a link back to this post HERE. Entries will not be accepted if the above is not included.

Step 4 :
Email to wendyhel@singnet.com.sg in the following format:
- Your name or nickname:
- Your blog name: (omit this if you do not have a blog)
- Name of your bake/dish:
- URL of your post:
- URL of your photo (one photo for each entry):
(alternatively, you can attach your photo in your email, preferably less than 500kb).

Please use "Aspiring Bakers #15" as your email subject. You may submit more than 1 entry. The roundup will be posted on 1st February 2012. (Reschedule to 7th February 2012)

To show my appreciation for your active participation, I have prepared 3 little gifts as token. 3 participants will be picked by Random Org and the winners will be annouced after the round up is done. Good luck and I'm looking forward to all your delicious dishes!  

Giveaways - 3 sets of Sweet tasting luggage tags & donuts pens


If you are interested to find out what's on the previous Aspiring Bakers #14: Creative Christmas Bakes (December 2011) entries, hosted by Hankerie, see the roundup here.

Aspiring Bakers Exclusive Class (January 2012)

Cooking Demo Class:
1) HK Koi Fish Nian Gao
2) Fatt Choy Treasure Chest
3) Tangy Melon with Gingko Nut

Class Size: 15-20 people
Date: 4 January 2012
Time: 6.30-8.30pm
Fee: $40
Click here for more details.

*Bloggers who are attending the classes are not allowed to share the recipes learnt in class in their blogs.
*Bloggers also cannot submit the recipes to Aspiring Bakers event. However, you are allowed to take photos and write about your learning experience in class and submit to Aspiring Bakers. They will be added to another section in our roundup.


  1. I am very glad the the themes are getting more specific and "narrow" nowadays. Gives it more challenge.
    Auspicious.. hmm.... die, I never think of any meaning behind any dishes that I do. Now, that will get my head thinking, and that is good!! Thanks!

  2. Thanks for hosting this month! I'm so excited about this month's theme. Hope to learn more new dishes here.  :)

  3. Wouw! Cooking for this month :) This a new challenge for me .....  Sure this is a new year challenge hahahhaaa ....

  4. Sounds interesting. Might consider it!
    Happy New Year Wendy!

  5. Happy New Year Wendy! Please support! Looking forward to your creative dishes!

  6. Happy New Year SSB! Me too looking forward to all the entries!

  7. Happy New Year Doris! Please support and look forward to receive your entry!

  8. Happy New Year Judy! Look forward to your sharing...please support!

  9. Thanks for hosting, Wen! I will try my best to prepare the CNY dishes. Happy New Year 2012 to you  & all the bakers :)

  10. Thank you and Happy New Year to you too!

  11. Oh, I really loved this theme!  Let's see if I can come out with something to participate. :)

  12. Happy New Year! Looking forward to your entry!

  13. There is one problem. If the dish is cooked for reunion dinner, then when will it be posted?? I don't think I'll be back to blogging at least until day 8. It'll be over the dateline. Need to have auspicious meaning? Or any dish for the occasion will be good enough?

  14. You can submit your entry prior before reunion dinner/CNY, if you have cooked up some dishes that you think are suitable to serve for this occasion. It don't have to be really auspicious, it can be any simple homestyle cooking or any traditional dishes and heritage food.

  15. Thanks for hosting this month AB event for Chinese New Year!!!! Hope i can come out something to take part too :)

  16. Looking forward to your submission!

  17. Hi Wendy, I just found out about this event. How do you define a dish? is Bak Kwa considered a dessert dish? haha.. I have posted Bak Kwa and Yee Sang in January :) 

  18. Happy CNY! Yee Sang is suitable for this theme but not bak kwa as it's not a dish, more of a CNY goodies/snack. Looking forward to receive your entry. Thanks!
