Oct 29, 2013

Penne in Spinach Basil Pesto Sauce with Grilled Chicken

Pesto Pasta is my all time favourite! Love the rich, garlicky and nutty flavour of pesto. This version added spinach so is not too overpowering by basil.

Penne Pasta in Spinach Basil Pesto Sauce with Grilled Chicken Breast Fillet

Photos taken with Iphone 5 

Recipe adapted from Dice of Spice
Ingredients: (Serve 2)
1 cup packed fresh baby spinach 
1 cup fresh basil leaves
3 cloves garlic
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup toasted pine nuts (some extra for garnishing)
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp lemon zest
Salt and black pepper to taste
110g Penne pasta 
1/2 chicken breast fillet (seasoned with salt and pepper)
1/4 cup saute sliced capsicum (optional)

1. Toast pine nuts in small pan over low heat fry till it turns slightly brown.
2. Combine spinach, basil, lemon zest and juice, garlic and pine nuts in a food processor and pulse till coarsely chopped. Add oil gradually while processing till smooth.
3. Add Parmesan cheese and seasoned with salt and pepper. Set aside.
4. Cook the pasta according to the package instructions. 
5. While cooking pasta, heat up a pan with olive oil, saute the capsicum. Dish out. Follow by pan sear the chicken fillet.
6. Drain the cooked pasta and transfer to a big deep bowl. Add in the saute capsicum.
7. Pour in half of the ready pesto sauce and mix well. Can add in some pasta water and additional extra virgin oil if is too dry. Balance pesto can be kept in the fridge in a air tight container for 3-4 days.
8. Dish out the pasta and top with sliced grilled chicken, garnish with pine nuts and Parmesan cheese. Enjoy!

This is delicious! My aunt love it too!

Check out my Instagram @ wensdelight on my daily eats!

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