Oct 25, 2013

Homemade Char Siew

My first attempt in making char siew! Google around and decided to try out this recipe which looks pretty simple. Glad it turned out quite well and was fuss free to make it. I made half a recipe using shoulder pork instead of pork belly.

Homemade Char Siew

Pictures taken with Iphone 5

1kg Pork belly / shoulder
2 tbsp Oil
500ml or more water (enough to cover the pork)

1 tsp salt
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp dark soya sauce (thick)
1 tsp white pepper powder
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp oyster sauce 
1 tbsp Chinese wine (I used rose wine)

1. Mix all seasoning together and season the pork for 1-2 hours.
2. Heat wok with 2 tbsp of oil. Add seasoned pork and pan seared the pork till lightly golden for around 5 mins.
3. Add in the water and make sure is enough to cover the pork, simmer for approximately 40 mins or till the pork is tender.
4. When the pork is cooked, remove excess sauce and leave the pork in the wok.
5. Turn to medium heat, lightly drizzle some honey on both side of the pork and caramelised it. This process only take a minute or two. Be careful  not to burn the char siew.  
6. Serve the sliced char siew with rice or noodles.

I served my char siew with some homemade wanton mee and lots of green!

The dried noodles I used for my wanton mee. Got it from Hong Kong - Kam Hing Noodle!

Check out my Instagram @ wensdelight on my daily eats!


  1. wow! Yr char siew looks very appealing, looks v pro! One plate of char siew wanton mee pls! LOL =)

  2. What is pork shoulder known as in chinese? I am craving for some now after seeing yours.

  3. 上肩肉、叉燒肉(Pork Shoulder Butt)Just tell the butcher you wan to char siew, they will give u the pork shoulder. Enjoy cooking!
