11 Dec 2010
This was the last X'mas Workshop I attended to wrap up my workshop's delight for the Year 2010! Nothing new to me in this menu as I attended Chef Eric (also known as Chef Yong) previous Turkey's workshop. The difference was on the seasoning and stuffing! Method of cooking it is about the same. However what attracted me in this menu were the salad and shepherd pie. Let's walk through what were demostrated.
Roast Turkey Menu 7
Watermelon and Feta Cheese Salad
Roast Turkey with Merguez Sausage Stuffing served with homemade ketchup
Chef Eric's Traditional Shepherds Pie
Watermelon and Feta Cheese Salad
Roast Turkey with Merguez Sausage Stuffing served with homemade ketchup
Chef Eric's Traditional Shepherds Pie
Watermelon & Feta Cheese Salad
Love it! Refreshingly light to the palate.
Roast Turkey with Merguez Sausage Stuffing served with homemade ketchup
Roast Turkey with Merguez Sausage Stuffing served with homemade ketchup
North African style Turkey and stuffing. Not use to the cumin and fennel powder seasoning, still prefer the traditional flavour. However the homemade ketchup was really delish!
Chef Eric's Traditional Shepherds Pie
Chef Eric's Traditional Shepherds Pie
This was very good! A meaty delight with a mixture of coarsely grinded minced pork & beef complimented by the almost melted in the mouth creamy mashed potatoes. Yummy!

Hi Wen,
Merry Christmas to you and your family too!
Hi Wen,
Wishing you & your family a Happy Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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