This was home-made by my colleague's mum from Ipoh. Just before CNY, we were talking about what Singaporean usually will have for CNY, like bak Kuah, pineapple tarts etc. My colleague who is a malaysian from Ipoh told us that their CNY's snack is prawn cracker and is home-made by her mum. I was like wow home-made! Specially asked her to bring some back for me when she went back for CNY.
She roughly told me the process of making it but the she was not sure what type of flour and quantity used. As usual the old generation will never record their recipe, all by feel and estimation. Fresh prawn was used and it was chopped/minced, then mix into the flour. Add water to knead till it become a soft dough. Shape into thick rolls and steam till cooked. Cool it down and freeze it. When the dough was frozen, slice into very thin slice and sun dried it for days. Staying in HDB we can never fulfill the last step...
Here's her home-made Prawn Keropok, it's not as sweet like the commercial type. You can taste the natural sweetness and fragrant of prawn and a bit peppery. I like it very much, yummy... Thanks Foong Ling!

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